Lakeland Mills, Prince George, BC

Lakeland Mills Ltd., founded in 1962, is primarily a studmill, with byproducts including wood chips and hog fuel. Following a tragic explosion April 23, 2012, Lakeland made the decision to rebuild in 2014/2015.

Pacificon Systems was chosen to provide controls for the two ring debarkers, sawmill residuals system, lighting, and an extensive methane gas detection system, complete with 50 ventilation fans.

Other Lakeland Projects:
  • Upgrade Double Edger c/w Single Comact Optimizer
  • Sawmill Rebuild 2014/2015

Resolute Forest Products, Atikokan, ONTario

Resolute Forest Products produces a diverse range of products, including wood and various papers.

In 2014/2015, Pacificon Systems designed, programmed, and commissioned the PLC controls for log handling, 2 ring debarkers, log sorting. In addition, we provided controls for the and mill-wide residuals system c/w 40+ conveyors, and sawdust and planer shavings systems.

L&M Lumber Ltd., Vanderhoof, BC

L&M Lumber primarily focuses on small diameter timber processing, while also operating Premium Pellet Ltd.

Our latest project at L&M was an upgrade to the Twin Edger / Single Comact Optimizer in 2014.

Ledcor Industries, Chilliwack, BC

Ledcor's Chilliwack Canting Facility processes lower-value logs, producing custom-sized cants, chips, and biofuel.

In 2012/13, Pacificon provided controls for log decks, merchandiser, 2 debarkers, head saw, green chain, and residuals system.

Delta Cedar Products, Delta, BC

Delta Cedar specializes in custom-cut, high-quality cedar timbers.

Pacificon supplied controls for the A-Mill headrig, 8-saw edger, 3-saw resaw, as well as the B-Mill debarker, 6-saw edger, and 3-saw resaw.

Tolko Indusrties Ltd., High Level, AB

At Tolko's High Level Lumber mill, both dimension and J-grade lumber are produced.

In 2012, we supplied controls for the sawmill log processing area, complete with 2 debarkers